Currently | Summertime Sadness

Well hello there. It's been awhile since I've shared in this space and in the last few days I've really missed doing so. I certainly did not plan on taking a 13 day break from posting here, but it would be silly to not admit that I desperately needed it.

Things have been a little hard for me lately. Not for any big reason, I guess I let a lot of little things get to me and those little things started adding up after awhile. I try not to focus on the negative, I've learned to move past that stuff quickly — keeping my anxiety and depression in check requires that kind of action. It's crazy how small moments of negativity can grow and consume you if you let them.

A certain summertime sadness overcame me recently. Summer often leaves me feeling trapped indoors, lethargic, and anxious. I'm sure it has something to do with the heat and lot to do with my mental state during this season. As a result, I've been really neglecting the creative side of me (and my life). At some point, all that energy I was putting in to feeling bad about myself and my circumstances was so overpowering that there was nothing left to put into creating — and other things of enjoyment. But, I'm now trying to make a real effort to find ways through this summer sadness phenomenon. I'm making time for what I love and treating myself as I deserve.

Scroll down to see some pretty summer inspiration I've collected that represents some of my current thoughts, feelings, and desires.

top right, clockwise: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight

top right, clockwise: onetwothreefourfivesixseveneight


Eating / lots of fresh fruit and veggies, especially avocado and cucumber.

Drinking / water, always, and a chamomile tea blend before bed.

Wearing / my favorite jeans + chambray + reading glasses.

Listening / to Gayngs on repeat today. Also, Radiation City. Good summer jams.

Podcasting / I've been loving 99% Invisible a lot lately — great stories!

Watching / the final season of House.

Feeling / a little sleepy.

Reading / nothing (I know!), but I'm heading to the library this weekend.

Practicing / patience, persistence, and kindness.

Dreaming / of moving to BC or the Washington coast!

Wanting / some mountain adventures ♥︎

Remembering / our first summer together and trips along the St Joe River.

Wishing / I had the money for more tattoos!

Planning / changes to this blog and ways to pretty up my patio.

Making / a woven wall hanging with pretty vintage yarn.

Working / a lot less than I'd like.

Learning / to take things as they come.

Loving / my little family and our lovely apartment ♥︎

I was going to share a DIY post today, but this seemed a little more fitting for jumping back into the rhythm of posting. And it was a great way to share what I've been up to. 

Inspired by Latrina, Of Trees and Hues.

What summery things have you been enjoying lately?

Any advice on how to enjoy the summer (for someone who considers this the worst time of year)?

xx Emorie


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