Today I'm Catching Up

Ready for a random post?

Last week seems like a complete blur to me; it is difficult for me to separate the days from one another in my memory. Does that ever happen to you? It does to me every so often. After spending last weekend up in the mountains, in such peace and beauty, coming home to repetitive days was difficult and melancholy. I kept pushing back things I wanted to get done and maybe making a few excuses, too. I spent most of my time reading and taking care of a sick Will. It's pretty easy to justify wearing comfy clothes all week, drinking lots of tea, and watching movies/reading in bed when it's stormy outside and your love is sick and in need of snuggles.

This weekend sure helped shake those lazy, grumpy feelings a little bit. We took it easy for the most part, mostly just spent time running errands and with Will's family. And reading (for me) and gaming (for him). But I also did something impulsive. If you follow me on instagram, you know I cut my hair on Friday afternoon. Like completely off. Sorry if I scared some of you with my impulsiveness (and with the fact that I cut my hair myself). Spontaneous hair decisions are the only hair decisions I ever make. For some reason, chopping off all that hair was like hitting a reset button. I instantly felt like myself again, and I wasn't even aware that I wasn't feeling like myself. I've always been inclined to short hair and have had a short style most of my life. After making the initial cut (I divided it in two, secured it with hair ties, and chopped it to just above my shoulders), it was as if a huge weight was lifted off of me. I feel like I had been wearing a blanket over my head for a year or two. But now I am feeling pretty and confident and those are nice things.

Sorry for the photobooth quality, I haven't taken any pictures lately...
Now I feel like I must play catch up. Just a bit, though. I have some exciting things planned for this week, but I was hoping to have them prepared already. Today and tomorrow I am going to be busy busy busy, so I can hopefully have it complete and ready for you by Wednesday (get excited). I've already got my 'get stuff done' playlist blasting.

Hoping you are all well and less behind on everything than I am :)


Currently Obsessed 2


Sawtooth Trip Day 3: Hiking Out