
Friday, my cousin B came to hang out with me for the day. We watched Bolt, had lunch, walked the dogs to the park, colored eggs (which he loved!), played The Game of Life, and went to the Ram for dinner.

Saturday was full of lots of yard work and other chores. We watched Bo again, as my sister Bee and her husband Tyler were busy moving. I ended the long day with a glass of wine and watched this movie, Robot and Frank, which I now highly recommend:

Today, Easter, we made a yummy breakfast (a modified version of this). We returned Bo to Bee and Tyler, after an attempted puppy photo shoot, at their lovely new home. Will also worked on his car for a bit, installing some new lights onto his brush guard. I pretended to help.

We were wanting to go out to Leslie Gulch today but you can only fit so much into a weekend; we'll have to wait until next Sunday. How was your weekend?

Hello Lovely April


DIY Puppy Bow Ties