Serious Scarf Searching

one / two / three / four / five
Hey, I have good news everyone! Fall seems to really be here to stay and this girl who loves the cold is happy, happy, happy about it. It's been rainy and cloudy and butt cold for days which means I've been wearing turtle neck sweaters over dresses and wool socks over tights and as many layers as possible. Can I get a hallelujah?! Since pulling out my favorite cold weather clothes from the corners of my closet I have come to the realization that I only ever wear one scarf. I have a few others, granted, but they're more of the chunky, thick, will keep you warm but aren't too pretty variety. I got this scarf a few years ago at Forever 21 and I love it so much (hence why I wear it so much) so I'm not complaining. I think the color combination is perfect for my wardrobe; it goes with nearly everything I own. And, depending on how I wrap it and what other colors I wear it with, can look a variety of ways.

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But I am still looking for other options to add to my wardrobe. This time of year I rarely leave home with out a scarf and it would be nice to have something else to throw on for variety every once and awhile. And I 'll definitely be needing scarfs now that I have short hair again. There is nothing fun about having a cold neck. But I am picky, so I've been searching the internets far and wide and collecting my favorites and maybe I'll actually make a decision and order one are two. Right now I'm thinking I may go for that lovely polka dot one in the middle. What do you think?

And are you as excited about colder weather as I am?

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