Look Whose Belly is Disappearing: Revolt Check-In Week 9

I had a lovely, empowering week with Revolt. I'm really excited because I've finally started to loose fat from the places I've been wanting to the most. It is a shame you can't target fat loss, I could of done without loosing some of my boob size. Now, I don't mind that too much, but I would have rather lost the fat from my thighs. Up until this point, I've been loosing body fat from my upper body just fine, I've seen my chest and waist and belly shrink significantly. Now I am finally seeing some of that fat I have always had, around my thighs and 'love handles' slowly diminish. So exciting! But not as exciting as rocking every one of my workouts lately! As I've explained before, all Revolt exercises are broken down to 3 levels, from beginner to advanced, so no matter where you are on your fitness journey you can find what works for you in each exercise. I started out as a 2, the intermediate level, and as I've gotten stronger I've floated between a level 2 or 3 switching up or down depending on the exercise. I am proud to say that this is the first week were I managed to complete all exercise at the highest level! Even upper body. And it felt great. And I wanted more! So I added in some fun dynamic (read really hard, super sweaty) yoga and a few extra cardio circuits. I was in exercise bliss.

That was until Saturday, when I embarrassed myself hiking and totally biffed it down a slippery, rocky hill. I managed to scrape my left leg pretty bad, as well as my hands. But the cuts and scraps and blood didn't bother me; what did is that I also managed to bruise up my knee really well and hurt my wrist too. My leg is still in pretty bad shape, I may have pulled something in my calf because it is either fine or hurts like a motherfrakker, depending on which way my foot is pointed when I go to lift my leg. And my knee was already in bad shape from landing weird on it on a camping trip awhile ago. I think my wrist will be back to normal in a few days, it just feels a little stiff and bruised.

So, as you may have guessed, I'll have to take it easy here for the next few days. Which I know is necessary, but I am still pretty bummed about. We are starting a new Uprising today, which means a whole new month's guide, brand new exercises, and a yummy new menu. It also means no more Tabatas! We're returning back to giant cardio circuits, which I am excited to try out again at a higher level. I am most excited that my suggestion of cauliflower crust pizza made it on the menu, though! Healthy pizza all week!? Yes please.

As promised, I've included more progress pictures. I have to apologize that the lighting is so bad in the last two of these. I'm just glowing yellow a bit. But in the front view, can you tell that my thighs are finally changing a bit? And that from-the-side picture, where did the belly go!?

Well, wish me a quick recovering so I can start July strong! Hope you are all feeling lovely today and I hope it is not as deathly hot as here, where ever you are :)

Disclaimer: I was chosen as a Revolt Fitness Program blogger and received free membership to try the fitness program. All results are real and my own. All opinions expressed are my own. 

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