Handwritten Post Link Up: A Love Letter

Yes, a love letter. Because I love you guys. 

The wonderful and lovely Gi from Trials & Tribulations of a Fat Girl is hosting a little link up today which I thought was just darling. It features a handwritten note from the blogger. I love this idea, seeing how I mostly write here on my computer and not on paper much anymore, except when writing little notes or reminders to myself or Will. 

The link up is simple. Just write a little note about whatever you'd like, take a picture of the note and share it on instagram, and then share it on your blog with your readers!

If that is a little too difficult for you to read, my note says:

The very lovely Gi of Trials & Tribulations of a Fat Girl is hosting a link-up today featuring bloggers' handwriting. I think that is just so great, & I think Gi is just so wonderful; I simply had to join in. What a great way to put a little personality on your blog! Plus it is a great way for me to thank all of you and I didn't want to miss the opportunity. So thank you, for your warm acceptance concerning my post on anxiety yesterday. Your kinds comments, support, and words of encouragement and understanding mean more than you know. I'm so excited to be running this little blog. I can't wait to share more with you!
Sincerely your friend,
Emorie x x 
P.s. This will be a true test as to whether or not my handwriting is legible : )

I mean those words. You are all so lovely, I can't stand it! Just kidding I can. I'll be back later today if all goes as planned to share a fun summer DIY with you. 

Be sure to pay Gi a visit and let her know what you think of the link up:



DIY Lace Cuffed Shorts


My Struggle with Anxiety